Star • GDR1 458471987732482944

h and chi Per
Proposed Clusters
h Per
Alternate Names
IPHAS J021959.29+572143.9
[CHI2010] h Per M 5544
[Cloutier2014] 5406
[KGM2001] 2216
2MASS J02195927+5721437
mayne2007_persei 480
[SHM2002] 2415
WISEA J021959.27+572143.8
GDR2 458471992035957248
PSO J021959.275+572143.838
[KGM2001] 2204
SIP Output

Fiducial Data

Parameter Value Error Unit Reference
cluster_name h and chi Per [char] cloutier2014
ra 02 19 59.2859 h m s gaiacollaboration2016
dec +57 21 43.8071 d m s gaiacollaboration2016
ra_deg 34.99702449 deg gaiacollaboration2016
dec_deg 57.36216865 deg gaiacollaboration2016
pm_ra -0.502 0.06 mas/yr gaiacollaboration2018
pm_dec -1.143 0.07 mas/yr gaiacollaboration2018
plx 0.419 0.0325 mas gaiacollaboration2018
st_dist 2386.6348 185.1208 pc gaiacollaboration2018
U 16.12 mag slesnick2002
B 15.675 mag slesnick2002
V 14.93 0.005 mag currie2010
Ic 14.063 0.004 mag currie2010
g_sloan 15.21 0.002 mag flewelling2016
r_sloan 14.724 0.002 mag flewelling2016
i_sloan 14.496 0.002 mag flewelling2016
z_sloan 14.367 0.002 mag flewelling2016
y_opt 14.222 0.002 mag (AB) flewelling2016
H_alpha_phot 17.754 mag keller2002
gaia_g 14.7152 0.0003 mag gaiacollaboration2018
gaia_bp 15.1441 0.0017 mag gaiacollaboration2018
gaia_rp 14.1121 0.0014 mag gaiacollaboration2018
tm_J 13.362 0.024 mag cutri2003
tm_H 13.21 0.032 mag cutri2003
tm_K 13.071 0.036 mag cutri2003
tm_flags "AAA,0" [char] cutri2003
S_3p6 12.9503 0.019 mag cloutier2014
S_4p5 12.9507 0.023 mag cloutier2014
S_5p8 12.9334 0.0298 mag cloutier2014
S_8 12.841 0.0408 mag cloutier2014
W_3p4 12.943 0.024 mag wright2010
W_4p6 12.969 0.025 mag wright2010
W_12 12.558 mag wright2010
W_22 9.077 mag wright2010
wise_flags "AAUU,dhd0" [char] wright2010

Non Fiducial Data

cluster_name ([char])
Value Error Ref.
unknown gaiacollaboration2016
h Per currie2010
mem_num ([integer])
Value Error Ref.
0 gaiacollaboration2016
4 currie2010
Derived Stellar Properties
Teff (K)
Value Error Ref.
5168.54 107.36 gaiacollaboration2018
L_star (Lsun)
Value Error Ref.
5.893 1.0895 gaiacollaboration2018
R_star (Rsun)
Value Error Ref.
3.03 0.125 gaiacollaboration2018
Optical Photometry
U (mag)
Value Error Ref.
16.065 keller2002
B (mag)
Value Error Ref.
15.655 0.0158113883 mayne2007
15.684 keller2002
V (mag)
Value Error Ref.
14.916 0.009 mayne2007
14.938 slesnick2002
14.968 keller2002
Ic (mag)
Value Error Ref.
15.655 0.0158113883 mayne2007
14.235 keller2002
r_sloan (mag)
Value Error Ref.
14.59 0.0 barentsen2014
i_sloan (mag)
Value Error Ref.
14.12 0.0 barentsen2014
H_alpha_phot (mag)
Value Error Ref.
14.43 0.0 barentsen2014
ra (h m s)
Value Error Ref.
02 19 59.286 gaiacollaboration2018
02 19 59.273 cutri2003
02 19 59.277 wright2010
02 19 59.286 flewelling2016
02 19 59.256 cloutier2014
02 19 59.256 currie2010
02 19 59.277 mayne2007
02 19 59.20 slesnick2002
02 19 59.273 keller2002
02 19 59.287 barentsen2014
dec (d m s)
Value Error Ref.
+57 21 43.81 gaiacollaboration2018
+57 21 43.78 cutri2003
+57 21 43.87 wright2010
+57 21 43.81 flewelling2016
+57 21 43.92 cloutier2014
+57 21 43.92 currie2010
+57 21 43.85 mayne2007
+57 21 44.1 slesnick2002
+57 21 43.52 keller2002
+57 21 43.88 barentsen2014
ra_deg (deg)
Value Error Ref.
34.99702462 0.019 gaiacollaboration2018
34.996972 84.85 cutri2003
34.9969895 61.2268 wright2010
34.997025 5.0 flewelling2016
34.9969 cloutier2014
34.9969 currie2010
34.9969875 mayne2007
34.99666667 slesnick2002
34.99697 keller2002
34.99703 barentsen2014
dec_deg (deg)
Value Error Ref.
57.36216841 0.0252 gaiacollaboration2018
57.36216 84.85 cutri2003
57.3621858 61.5842 wright2010
57.36216944 2.0 flewelling2016
57.3622 cloutier2014
57.3622 currie2010
57.36218056 mayne2007
57.36225 slesnick2002
57.36209 keller2002
57.36219 barentsen2014