Star • [RGS2011] 205816.56+435352.9

Gulf of Mexico
Proposed Clusters
Alternate Names
PSO J205816.618+435355.554
[RGS2011] 205816.56+435352.9
SIP Output

Fiducial Data

Parameter Value Error Unit Reference
cluster_name Gulf of Mexico [char] rebull_guieu2011
mem_num 1 [integer] rebull_guieu2011
mem_lit_name Gulf [char] rebull_guieu2011
ra 20 58 16.5708 h m s rebull_guieu2011
dec +43 53 52.7878 d m s rebull_guieu2011
ra_deg 314.56904491 deg rebull_guieu2011
dec_deg 43.89799661 deg rebull_guieu2011
disk_flag True [boolean] rebull_guieu2011
disk_desc unkn [char] rebull_guieu2011
g_sloan 22.116 0.208 mag flewelling2016
S_24 5.6 0.19 mag rebull_guieu2011

Non Fiducial Data

ra (h m s)
Value Error Ref.
20 58 16.622 flewelling2016
20 58 16.570 rebull_guieu2011
dec (d m s)
Value Error Ref.
+43 53 55.49 flewelling2016
+43 53 52.99 rebull_guieu2011
ra_deg (deg)
Value Error Ref.
314.56925833 120.0 flewelling2016
314.569041 rebull_guieu2011
dec_deg (deg)
Value Error Ref.
43.89874722 120.0 flewelling2016
43.898053 rebull_guieu2011